> 2009 > Internationales Literaturfestival Berlin
9th International Literature Festival Berlin |
Douze jours durant, la 9è édition du Literaturfestival de Berlin entend aborder et donner à "vivre la diversité littéraire au temps de la mondialisation". Entre jeunes auteurs et célébrités internationales, les organisateurs de la manifestation y ont convié des poètes du monde arabe, des auteurs de nouvelles américains, des poètes sud-coréens ou russes et de jeunes romanciers Sud-Africains. Sur quelque 200 auteurs invités, dont on peut citer Hanif Kureishi (G.-B.), Colum McCann (Irlande/USA), Robert Littell (USA), Siegfried Lenz (Allemagne), Marie Darrieussecq (France), Assia Djebar (Algérie), Youssef Ziedan (Egypte), Alawiyya Sobh (Liban) et Arundhati Roy (Inde), le Literaturfestival de Berlin propose un grand nombre de rencontres et un "Focus sur le monde arabe". On pourra y rencontrer Malek Alloula, Azouz Begag, Maïssa Bey, Inaam Bioud, Rachid Boudjedra et Leila Sebbar.
Le Festival international de Littérature de Berlin est un événement du Berliner Festspiele.
– 9 - 20. September 2009, 9. Internationales Literaturfestival Berlin / Fokus 2009 : Orient trifft Okzident - Prosa und Poesie aus den Ländern Arabiens (Orient Meets Occident - Prose and Poetry from Arabic Countries)
– 10. September 2009, "A Feast in Exile" with Malek Alloula, Presented by Regina Keil-Sagawe, In French with German translation, Haus der Kulturen der Welt
– 11. 09, "The Western View of the Arab World", with Malek Alloula (Algeria), Sonia Hegasy, Andreas Pflitsch, Stefan Weidner (Germany) and François Zabbal (France), Presented by Susanne Stemmler, Event with simultaneous translation, Haus der Berliner Festspiele
– 12. 09, "The Maghreb and Europe", with Leila Sebbar (Algeria/France) and Youssouf Amine Elalamy (Morocco), Presented by François Zabbal, Speaker : Margarita Broich, An event with simultaneous interpretation, Haus der Berliner Festspiele
– 12. 09, "Poetry Night IV", with Inaam Bioud (Algeria), Hala Mohammad (Syria), Fatima Naoot (Egypt), Amjad Nasser (Jordan/Great Britain) and Dalia Taha (Palestine), Presented by Silke Behl, Speakers : Astrid Gorvin and Frank Arnold, Haus der Berliner Festspiel
– 12. 09, "Envisioning a Dialogue with the Arabic World", with Raja Alem (Saudi Arabia), Azouz Begag (France), Necla Kelek (Germany), Pankaj Mishra (Great Britain/India), Najem Wali (Iraq), Stefan Weidner (Germany) and Eliot Weinberger (USA), Presented by Michi Strausfeld, An event with simultaneous interpretation, Haus der Berliner Festspiele
– 13. 09, "Which Languages does the Arabic Literature Speak ?", with Abbas Khider (Iraq/Germany), Leila Sebbar (France/Algeria) and Suleman Taufiq (Syria/Germany), Presented by Stefan Weidner, An event with simultaneous interpretation, Haus der Berliner Festspiele
– 13. 09, "Focus Arabic World", with Rachid Boudjedra, Presented by Marie-Claude Souaid-Hesse, Speaker : Lars Rudolph, Haus der Berliner Festspiele
– 14. 09, "International Children’s and Youth Literature", with Azouz Begag, Haus der Berliner Festspiele
– 15. September, Special Guest : Assia Djebar, with Navid Kermani and Terézia Mora, Reading and Conversation, Haus der Kulturen der Welt
– 17. 09, "Literatures of the World", with Maïssa Bey, Presented by Christine Belakhdar, Speaker : Michaela Steiger, Haus der Berliner Festspiele |
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